Archive for the ‘Haiku’ Category

My bed haiku

My bed and blankets
How dear sleep would make me feel
Sunrise comes too quick

How I feel

Little sleep, wake up
Tooth brings fierce and shooting pain
Combine with jet lag

Grass is greener haiku


The grass is greener
Or so I hope when I start
Every new pursuit

Dear credit card thief haiku

I hope you enjoyed
Starbucks coffee in Belgium
You bought with my card

Hong Kong Haiku


It’s been a long time
Nothing has changed. No wonder,
HK is fading   

Martini & Eggs Haiku

Martini and eggs

Martini and eggs
Somewhere nowhere anywhere
Life with no time zone


I will wear a tie
I’ll talk, show some slides, you’ll judge
After, no more tie

Insomnia Haiku

Messy bed

Sleep, I want you now
Why do you abandon me?
The sun is coming


Eat, you are skinny
Are you getting enough rest?
Why don’t you move home

Christmas 2009


Merry Christmas, kids
I wish I was young and free
But now is good too